RiseVibes: Good Dads GREAT DADS By Mal White
My guess is that anytime you read a book about either parenting or marriage it is going to help you become a better spouse/parent because it prompts you to reflect on how you presently act and how you could improve. Good Dads GREAT DADS is a highly practical book that triggers the reader to consider what messages they are conveying to children. The whole book comes from the assumption that all dads need encouragement and that many of us are already good dads, but it asks the question “how do we become great Dads?”
As I read Good Dads GREAT DADS it did spur on my imagination and creativity pondering what could I build together with my kids as a memory-making experience that ‘included them’ rather than was just ‘for them’. The idea to ‘Go Somewhere’ just one-on-one with your kids is certainly something that resonates with me as there are few things that can communicate to your child just how important they are to you more than a serious chunk of quality time together. Even the challenge to ‘Say Something’ that deposits into your child’s well being prompts the reader to be aware of the choice of compliments, with great examples of character building phrases.
The concept of parenting as mentoring the ones you love the most is a worthwhile thought to focus on in the midst of the daily grind. White does acknowledge that along with the joy and frustration of fatherhood comes the inevitable heartache as older children pass into adolescence and demand space from their parents. There are no guarantees, love them at the age they are at and enjoy it to the fullest.
The chapter titled ‘Share Something’ encourages dads to be vulnerable and share of their weaknesses with their children so they can learn from their mistakes as well as their strengths. The benefits of reading to children can be easily attested to but White also promotes writing personal positive hand written notes to children; I can certainly imagine my sentimental little girl storing a nice note from me as a keep-sake for the years ahead.
White briefly mentions praying together with kids and letting them know that you thank God for them. The chapter on understanding the different personality types is a helpful reflection point when considering family dynamics in the wider relatives as well as with your own children.
Good Dads GREAT DADS is an encouraging and practical point in the right direction. It is a helpful reminder that “good intentions get you nowhere in your relationship with your kids and they certainly don’t assist your child to get the boost in life they need to be emotionally and socially strong.”
Reviewer: Scott Berry
‘Good Dads GREAT DADS’ can be purchased from Koorong Books, local bookshops or online at www.gooddadsgreatdads.com